净水器已越来越多地进入居民家庭生活中 ,但是由于净水器而引发的二次污染问题也不容忽视。对IBAC -压缩活性炭棒联用技术进行实验研究 ,通过对进出水的高锰酸盐指数、浊度等指标的检测 ,提出采用IBAC -压缩活性炭棒联用技术的家用净水器具有可靠的安全性 ,在当前及今后相当长的时间内 ,都将发挥重要作用 。
Water purifiers are widely used in many families presently. Meanwhile, the secondary pollution due to water purifier has attracted more attention. In this paper, an experimental investigation on IBAC-Cartridge technology was made. Then a new household water purifier involved in IBAC-Cartridge technology was proposed. We also demonstrated its reliability and safety, through the examination of important qualifications such as COD Mn and turbidity in treated water. It is believed that this kind of water purifier will have good prospects in the longer future.
Applied Science and Technology