
OFDMA多跳中继蜂窝网络的干扰协调策略 被引量:3

Interference Coordination Scheme for OFDMA Multi-hop Relay Cellular Networks
摘要 多跳中继蜂窝网络由于具有吞吐率高和覆盖性强的优点受到广泛关注。但是,中继站的引入改变了传统蜂窝网络的频率规划策略,因此如何在策略设计中对中继链路进行高效的频率资源分配成为极具挑战的问题;其次,小区频率复用越紧密,同频干扰越严重,对系统的整体性能产生影响。本文基于IEEE 802.16j/m标准,以下行链路的无线资源管理为基本手段,设计合理的资源复用策略及其对应的多跳中继下行子帧结构,在保证网络的资源利用率的同时,降低干扰给相邻小区边缘用户带来的影响;再将高效的比例公平调度算法扩展到多跳中继蜂窝网络,旨在兼顾系统整体性能和用户公平性。仿真和分析结果表明,干扰协调与资源调度策略相结合能显著提升系统吞吐率并改善用户公平性。 Multi-hop relay cellular networks (MRCNs )have drawn tremendous attention due to their high throughput and extensive coverage.However,introduction of relay stations (RSs)changes the frequency plan-ning schemes for traditional cellular networks and how to efficiently allocate frequency resources to relay links becomes a challenging design issue.Moreover,the more compact the frequency reuse patterns,the more severe the co-channel interference (CCI),which affects the network performance significantly.In this paper,accord-ing to Specification IEEE 802.16j/m,based on the downlink radio resource management,a proper resource re-use scheme and multi-hop relay downlink sub-frame were designed to deal with the inter-cell interference and guarantee the efficient utilization of resources in networks.The efficient PF algorithm was applied in MRCNs to take into account both the overall system performance and fairness of users.Extensive simulations demon-strate that combination between interference coordination and resource scheduling can significantly improve system throughput and ameliorate fairness for users.
作者 杨亚让 赵越
出处 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期44-50,共7页 Journal of the China Railway Society
基金 国家"十二五"科技重大专项项目(2011ZX03001-007-01)
关键词 多跳中继蜂窝网络 OFDMA/TDD 频率规划 干扰协调 资源调度 multi-hop relay cellular networks OFDMA/TDD,frequency planning interference coordination resource scheduling
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