
移动图书馆:从设备到人——2014年第5届国际移动图书馆会议综述 被引量:16

M-library: From Devices to People——A Comprehensive Review of the 5th International M-libraries Conference
摘要 【目的】回顾第5届国际移动图书馆会议,介绍并探讨移动图书馆发展现状和趋势。【文献范围】以40个会议报告为主要研究对象。【方法】围绕"移动图书馆:从设备到人"的主题,从图书馆面临的移动挑战和策略、移动技术在图书馆中的实践、可穿戴设备和增强现实、移动技术与教学科研紧密结合、移动技术在中国图书馆的发展、移动技术提升全民信息服务等议题进行深入分析和讨论。【结果】强调移动策略的重要性、对移动图书馆态度的差异性、发展的不均衡性,概括主要进展和存在的问题。【局限】以会议报告为基础,未能涵盖更广泛的实践案例和研究成果。【结论】图书馆需要积极面对和投身于以用户为中心的移动图书馆建设中,提供无处不在的泛在图书馆服务。 [Objective] This paper reviews the 5th International M-libraries Conference, presents and discusses the current situation and the development trend of mobile libraries. [Coverage] Take the 40 presentations of the conference as the main research objects. [Methods] Focusing on “M-libraries: From Devices to People”, analiyze and discuss challenges and strategies involved in embracing mobile innovation for libraries, practice for the use of mobile technologies in libraries, wearable devices and augmented reality, the tight coupling of mobile technologies with teaching and researching, China development of mobile technologies, mobile technologies enhancing information access for all and so on in depth. [Results] Stress the importance of mobile strategies, the difference of attributes to mobile libraries, the imbalance of development, and summarize the main research progresses and existing problems. [Limitations] Based on the presentations of the conference, it may not cover the wider practice cases and research results. [Conclusions] Libraries are supposed to face and anticipate the construction of the user-centred m-libraries, providing a ubiquitous service everywhere.
作者 姚飞 姜爱蓉
机构地区 清华大学图书馆
出处 《现代图书情报技术》 CSSCI 2015年第1期1-8,共8页 New Technology of Library and Information Service
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"基于用户体验的移动数字图书馆服务整合与系统集成研究"(项目编号:11BTQ011)的研究成果之一
关键词 移动图书馆 移动技术 策略 APP 可穿戴设备 Mobile library Mobile technology Strategy App Wearable device
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