本文提出了基于Agent和JADE(Java Agent Development Framework)的性能测试平台体系结构模型,以解决当前诸如虚拟用户动作协调和信息实时采集问题。JADE支持管理和通信控制的多Agent系统开发环境。本文描述了JADE的原理和用于设计与性能测试平台的基本方法与技术。
In order to solve current problems such as coordination of the virtual users' action and the real-time acquisition of information, based on Agent and JADE, this paper brings forward an architecture model of the plat-form for performance testing. JADE is a multi-agent development environment which supports the management and communication control for agents. The paper describes the principle of JADE, and its basic methods and tech-niques for designing the platform for performance testing.
Science Mosaic