指出了500 kV紧凑型输电线路自投运以来,舞动、冰害、鸟害等故障频发,造成山西电网西通道等重要输电通道线路长时间停运,电厂出力受阻,严重影响电网安全稳定运行。统计了山西电网500 kV紧凑型线路常见的故障类型,并对故障判断方法和防治措施进行了研究和探讨,全面提高了紧凑型输电线路的运行水平。
Since the 500 kV compact transmission lines have been put into operation, there were frequent failures such as galloping, ice damage and bird damage etc.,which resulted in long-term shut-off of important transmission line like west power grid in Shanxi and seriously affected the safe and stable operation of power grids. In order to improve the operation level of the compact transmission line in Shanxi power grid,the common fault types of 500 kV compact type transmission lines are statitically analysed and the failure diagnosis level are studied and discussed.
Shanxi Electric Power