
纽约市出租汽车客运经营模式变迁 被引量:1

The Evolution of Taxicab Operating Pattern in New York City
摘要 为总结纽约出租汽车客运政府管制经验,本文对纽约市出租汽车经营模式现状与历史变迁过程进行了分析,发现纽约市出租汽车客运市场存在企业与个体车主两类主体、租赁与自主经营两种模式;纽约出租汽车客运经历了从自主经营模式到租赁经营模式的转变,在政府分类管制政策影响下形成以租赁经营为主、自主经营为辅的格局;纽约市通过对不同出租汽车客运经营模式实施分类管制,并采取租赁费最高标准、个体车主租赁限制、强化质量管制等措施,有效防止单一经营模式所存在的弊端,构建了独具特色的出租汽车客运管制体系。结果表明,出租汽车客运租赁经营是有效激励驾驶员的经营模式,纽约市的分类管制政策对我国出租汽车客运行业管理有着借鉴意义。 To summarize successful experiences of taxi regulation in New York City, the author analyzed current situation and the evolution of taxicab operating pattern. It is founded that taxi enterprises and individual owners coexisted in New York City taxi industry, and taxi enterprises are all leasers but individual owners are leasers or owner operators. The evolution of taxicab operating pattern is a progress that most parts of owner operators changed to leasers regardless of taxi enterprises and individual owners. Under the regulation, leasing business is primary and individual owner business is supplementary in the New York City taxi industry. The classification regulation policies cooperated with leasing cap, enforcement of individual owners driving and quality regulation strengthen effectively avoided disadvantages of single operating pattern, which is a special taxi regulation regime. It is indicated that leasing is an operating pattern to effective incentive to taxi drivers and multi regulation policies of different taxicab operating patterns in New York City can be reference to Chinese local governments.
作者 姚志刚
出处 《经济体制改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期185-188,共4页 Reform of Economic System
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"出租汽车客运双边道德风险防范机制研究"(10YJC790340) 陕西省社会科学基金项目"陕西出租汽车客运经营模式研究"(13Q125)
关键词 交通运输经济 经营模式 出租汽车 纽约市 transportation economy operating pattern taxi New York City
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