
传播视野:国家形象的官方民间舆论场互补建构 被引量:21

Communication Vision:National Image Building from the Complementation of Official Opinion and Public Opinion
摘要 树立当代中国国家形象,开展持续有效的国家形象对外传播是国家软实力建设的重要课题。国家形象塑造和传播是一项长期的系统工程,需要建立国家级的统筹协调机制进行规划和管理。大众传播对于国家形象的塑造至关重要,需在现有媒体生态的基础上进一步整合官方和民间资源,全面提升对国际舆论的影响力。本文从政治传播视野出发,以政治学的研究成果"国家与市民社会良性互动"为理论基点,认为对国家形象的塑造和传播既要依靠官方舆论场对核心要素进行系统梳理,又要依靠民间舆论场对国家形象差异化特色进行充分挖掘,实施国家与公民的良性互动,在打通官方舆论场和民间舆论场基础上,弥合国家形象传播的盲区。 The shaping and spreading of Chinese national image is a long-term systematic project, which need to establish a national coordination mechanism for overall planning and management of the national image. Mass communication is vital for the shaping of the national image, and on the basis of the existing media ecology in China, a further integration of official and folk resources is needed in order to improve its influence on international public opinion. This article, from the political communication perspective, and taking the political science research "positive interaction between the state and civil society" as its theoretical basis points, embarks that, the shaping and spreading of Chinese national image should rely on not only the official opinion's systematic combing of the core elements, but also public opinion's full excavation of the national image differentiation characteristics, implement the benign interaction between the nation and its civil, and determine the national image positioning and communication dead zones on the basis of getting through official opinion and public opinion.
作者 江作苏 李理
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期84-91,共8页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 2013年度国家社科基金后期资助项目"社会转型背景下的应急传播研究"(13FXW007)
关键词 传播视野 国家形象 官方舆论场 民间舆论场 communication vision national image official opinion public opinion
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