
社会资本的文化主义转向及其困境——以罗伯特·帕特南的理论为例 被引量:9

The Cultural Turning and Dilemma of Social Capital Theory——Focusing on Robert Putnam's Theory
摘要 社会学领域中以理性选择为基点的社会资本理论与政治学领域中以阿尔蒙德(Gabriel Almond)为先锋的政治文化研究遭遇,一方面使政治文化研究获得快餐式的热销性发展;另一方面造就了政治文化研究与理性选择理论的碰撞,进而在理解文化生成的论题上呈现出矛盾性的双重进路:社会化积累进路与理性选择进路。尽管罗伯特·帕特南尝试以历史选择视角整合两种进路,但实证研究抽离了理论的历史厚度。政治学领域中的社会资本研究如若继续前行,必须明晰社会资本的文化主义转向造就的内在逻辑谬误并着力解决之。 When social capital theory in sociology with the basis of rational choice met the research on political culture of which Gabriel Almond was the Vanguard,on one hand it pushed the study of political culture into fast-growing,on the other hand created contradictory dual approaches in understanding the generation of culture: socialized accumulation approach and the rational choice approach. Although Robert Putnam tried to use historical choice perspective to integrate dual approaches,the empirical research took historical depth away from the theory. If the social capital research in the field of politics science wants to be continued,we must clarify the inner logical fallacy of social capital caused by its cultural turn and try to solve it.
作者 张会芸
出处 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期103-109,共7页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目"西方政治文化研究复兴新成果跟踪研究"(11BZZO11) 北京市教育委员会资助项目"当代西方政治文化理论代表人物研究"(20131005301)
关键词 社会资本 社会化 理性选择 文化主义 social capital socialization rational choice culturalism
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