
CVaR投资组合问题求解的一种混合元启发式搜索算法 被引量:3

Novel Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for Solving Mean-CVaR Portfolio Optimization
摘要 本文针对均值-CVaR投资组合优化问题,基于混沌搜索、粒子群优化和引力搜索算法提出了一种新的混合元启发式搜索算法,而后基于多维布朗运动,借助Monte Carlo模拟情景生成得到价格路径,进而近似求解均值-CVaR投资组合选择问题,并与线性规划和非参数估计两种求解算法进行比较。模拟和实证算例结果表明,新算法在求解有效性和实用性方面表现更好,取得更为满意的结果。 In this paper , a new hybrid heuristic algorithm is proposed with the combination of chaotic search , particle swarm optimization , and gravitational search algorithm for solving mean-CVaR portfolio selection .Monte Carlo simulation is employed for generating scenario paths based on the multivariate brownian motion and the ap -proximate value of CVaR is computed .The computation usefulness and effectiveness between the proposed meth-od and the linear programming method and the methodology of nonparametric estimation are compared by simula-tion and real world examples .Numerical results show that the performance of the new approach is very good .
出处 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期229-235,共7页 Operations Research and Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11171221)
关键词 投资组合 条件风险价值 启发式搜索 Monte CARLO模拟 portfolio selection conditional value-at-risk heuristic algorithm Monte Carlo simulation
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