在传统的电子技术实验课程中,模拟滤波器的设计通常需要烦琐的查表或计算,因此大多为验证性实验。该文介绍一种借助Matlab和Multisim软件将验证性滤波器实验升级为设计性实验的较简单的方法。该方法从滤波器技术指标着手,用Matlab滤波器函数设计并求出其零极点和品质因数,并用Sallen Key型有源滤波器以级联形式来实现,从而计算出电路元件参数,用Multisim进行仿真验证,最后搭建实际电路进行实验。该文通过对一个带内纹波1dB、截止频率400Hz的四阶切比雪夫低通滤波器设计实例说明如何运用此方法。
Analogy filters paly a significant role in electronic systems.The most experiments with filters in analogy electronics laboratory are not designed but validation experiments,because the analog filter design is sort of endless cumbersome numerical calculations.This paper presents a novel method of experiments on filters,which could upgrade the original verification only to design,simulation and verification,which is not time consuming by using MATLAB and Multisim software.Matlab functions are used to design the filters and corresponding poles,zeros and quality factors are obtained.Then circuit components parameters could be calculated out by matching them with the Sallen Key active filter in cascades and the circuits then are simulated using Multisim for verification,and finally the actual circuits are built in experiments.An example of 4th order low pass Chebyshev filter with 1dB passband ripple,400 Hz cutoff frequency,and 20 dB stop band attenuation,is given to to illustrate the application of proposed method.
Experimental Technology and Management