面对国内外期刊行业日益激烈的竞争,作为我国第一本被SCI收录的农业领域综合性学术期刊,Journal of Integrative Agriculture(农业科学学报,原《中国农业科学》英文版)针对新的发展时期面临的问题,在调整办刊思路、优化工作流程、发挥编委作用、做科研型期刊、积极策划专刊(题)、树立服务品牌意识及加强编辑队伍建设等方面进行了实践,力争在其新的发展时期,不断提升学术竞争力,努力打造成为高水准的国际一流学术期刊。
Nowadys, periodical journals at home and abroad are in the face of increasingly acute competition. As the first integrative agricultural academic journal indexed by SCI and as the leading of agricultural sci-tech periodicals in China, this paper deeply analyzes the status quo of Journal of Integrative Agriculture, and points out some thinking and measures for being a first-class academic journal in the new developing stage.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture