
通信工程项目实时信息管理系统设计 被引量:4

Design of Real-Time Information Management System of Communication Engineering Projects
摘要 通过分析通信工程建设项目实时管理的必要性,提出实时信息管理系统的设计目标。在此基础上,设计出一套基于移动互联网技术的实时、动态的信息管理系统,实现在通信项目建设工程勘测、设计阶段信息管理的运用。主要阐述了该系统的软硬件结构、功能特点和基本工作流程,基于移动互联网技术的实时信息管理系统不仅可以应用于通信工程项目管理,还能广泛运用于其他各行业的实时信息管理。 Analyzed the necessity of real-time management of communication engineering projects, the design goal of realtime information management system is proposed. According to the goal, a real-time and dynamic information management system based on mobile Internet technology is designed which can be applied to engineering survey of communication engineering construction and information management of project design. Specifi cally, the software and hardware structures, functional features and basic operational fl ow of the system are expounded. The real-time information management system based on mobile Internet technology not only can be applied to the communication engineering project management, but also can be widely used in real-time information management to other industries.
出处 《移动通信》 2014年第24期82-86,共5页 Mobile Communications
关键词 信息管理 实时管理 动态管理 移动互联网 information management real-time management dynamic management mobile Internet
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