对黔南州56科122属213种5571株古树资源的数量分布、种类组成及区系成分特征进行分析。结果表明:黔南州古树资源以三级古树为主,占古树总量的79.7%,胸径多在2 m以下,最大胸径4.9 m;城镇、单位庭院、农村宅院及寺庙分布极少,95.7%的资源分布在乡村,且多为散状分布;以壳斗科Fagaceae、樟科Lauraceae、木兰科Magnoliaceae、榆科Ulmaceae、松科Pinaceae等为种类组成优势科,以金缕梅科Hamamelidaceae、榆科、柏科Cupressaceae、樟科、银杏科Ginkgoaceae等为数量组成优势科,优势种有枫香Liquidambar formosona、柏木Cupressus funebris、榉木Zelkova schneideriana、香樟Cinnamomum camphora和银杏Ginkgo biloba等;有较多的孑遗种、中国特有种和保护树种;科、属、种分布区类型及变型多样,科和种的热带性质较为明显,而在属的层面上,温带成分与热带成分比重无明显差异,科的热带性质偏向于泛热带分布,属和种则以泛热带分布和热带亚洲分布为重;科的温带性质偏向于北温带和南温带间断分布变型,属以北温带分布、东亚和北美洲间断分布、东亚分布为重,种则以北温带分布为重。
The quantity distribution, species composition and floristic elements of 5571 ancient trees consisted of 56 families, 122 genera and 213 species in Qiannan Prefecture were analyzed. The results showed that ancient trees resource in Qiannan Prefecture was almost of third-class ancient trees, accounted for 79.7% of total trees, the diameter was mostly below 2 m, maximum diameter was 4.9 m. Ancient trees were rarely in towns, courtyard, rural houses and temples. There were 95.7% of the ancient trees distributed in the countryside, and most of them were scattered distribution. The dominant families with species composition were Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Ulmaceae and Pinaceae; the dominant families with number composition were Hamamelidacea, Ulmaceae, Cupressaceae, Lauraceae and Ginkgoacea; the dominant species were Liquidambar formosona, Cupressus funebris, Zelkova schneideriana, Cinnamomum camphora and Ginkgo biloba. There were more relict species, endemic species and Chinese protection species. Areal types and subtypes of families, genera, species were various, the flora of families and species was mainly Tropic, but at the level of genera, there was no significant difference between temperate element and tropical element; tropical element of families was tend to Pantropic, tropical element of genus and species were Pantropic and Tropic Asia; temperate element of families was North Temperate and South Temperate disjunct distribution, temperate element of genera was North Temperate, East Asia, North America disjuncted and East Asia distribution, and temperate element of species was North Temperate.
Subtropical Plant Science
ancient tree
floristic elements
Qiannan Prefecture