以2014年广东省东莞市Landsat 8卫星的热红外波段数据建立模型,反演东莞市地表温度,研究东莞市热岛效应分布情况,从优势度指数、分维数指数和形状指数来分析热力场景观格局,根据热岛效应的不同影响因素分析东莞市热岛现象的成因。结果表明:Landsat 8卫星影像反演2014年东莞市地表温度是可行的;东莞市热力景观以中热岛为主,热岛效应不明显,分布呈西北偏高,中部地区和东南区域偏低;热力景观斑块较复杂、热力场呈条带状零星分布;受绿化、水体影响区域的热岛强度较小,而受人为热源、道路、城市下垫面和建筑等因素影响的区域,热岛强度较大。
To study the distribution of heat island effect in Dongguan,Guangdong,surface temperature were retrieved from the mathematical model based on thermal infrared remote sensing data in Landsat 8 in 2014. The purpose of this paper was to find out the different influence factors of heat island effect in Dongguan through an-alyzing the landscape pattern of thermal field by the dominance,fractal dimension and shape index.The results showed that it was feasible to retrieve the surface temperature of Dongguan in 2014 by the data from Landsat 8.The heat islands effect was not obvious and medium heat island was the major types in thermal landscape of Dongguan. The distribution of thermal landscape of Dongguan was dense in northwest districts and sparse in the middle and southeast districts.The thermal landscape patches were complex and thermal field was banded scattered.The heat island intensity was highly affected by anthropogenic heat,road,city underlying surface rather than green and water area.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province