In order to better understand how the filler wall affects the seismic performance of frame work within the horizontal loads, nonlinear analysis of finite element software AN- SYS under in-plane loads is used. Pure frame and infill frame structure models are established to calculate the filler wall variation characteristics of parameters such as bearing ca- pacity, stiffness displacement and ductility under the in-plane increasing loads and receive the effects of filler wall under in-plane loads on seismic performance of frame structure. The calculations indicated that the filler wall which is validly connected to frame structure has favorable impacts on the main structure under in-plane loads and its bearing capacity, stiffness, ductility increased significantly than pure frame model. Moreover, the influence of filler wall on the seismic performance of infill frame structure under laterally reserved low cyclic loading is studied and the corresponding hysteresis curve is obtained.
Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Natural Science