随着城市综合交通体系的不断发展和完善,城市出行多方式化的特征日益突出.本文在充分考虑城市多方式交通网络结构特性的基础上,构建方式及路径联合选择模型,研究多方式条件下的交通分配方法.首先,基于随机效用最大化理论构建出行方式和路径联合选择的Nested Logit(NL)模型;其次,运用路段实测交通流数据标定道路混合交通流条件下的交通阻抗函数;最后,基于构造的多方式交通网络进行多方式交通分配,分析出行量在网络上的时空分布.结果表明,本文所提出的多方式条件下的交通分配方法,能够有效地描述城市多方式交通网络条件下的出行方式和路径选择行为,以及交通出行在交通网络上的时空分布规律,对于完善城市综合交通体系具有重要意义.
The improvement of urban integrated transportation system provides more choices in travel mode. The paper proposes a Nested Logit model including joint mode and route choice to study the method of multimodal traffic assignment under the multimodal conditions, based on the full consideration of structural features of multimodal traffic network. First, a NL model of joint mode and route choice is constructed based on the maximum random utility theory, and the coefficients are calibrated based on SP questionnaire survey data. Second, road traffic impedance functions under mixed traffic conditions are estimated with the real-collected traffic data. Finally, traffic assignment is carried out based on a specified multimode network, and the spatiotemporal distribution of traffic are analyzed. The results show that the proposed method of multimodal traffic assignment in this study can effectively describe the complex traveler’s choice behaviors including traffic mode choice and route choice under the multimodal conditions, and analyze the spatiotemporal distribution of traffic on multimode transportation network. It’s significant for improving the integrated transportation system.
Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology