2012年欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)发布了ETSI EN 300 328 V1.8.1的正式版本,该标准的实施日期为2014年12月31日。相对于2006年发布的前一版本,此最新版本V1.8.1在产品定义、测试要求和方法均有差异。本文详细讲述了ETSI EN 300328(V1.8.1)较1.7.1版本新增的测试内容及原有用例的测试方法变化情况,并对新增的典型的测试用例占用带宽进行了详细的测试分析。
2012 European telecommunications standards institute (ETSI) released the ETSI EN 300 328 V1.8.1 offieial version, the standard implementation date for December 31, 2014. Relative to the previous version released in 2006, the latest version V1.8.1 in product definition, test requirements and methods have differences. This article detailed the ETSI EN 300328 (V1.8,1) a new test version 1.7.1 content changes and the test method of original use ease, And the typical of the new test eases bandwidth has earried on the detailed analysis of the test.
Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information