目的:研究林蛙油的水解工艺和辅酶Q10的纳米化工艺,制备出质量稳定、口味适宜的复方林蛙油辅酶Q10保健口服液。方法:通过正交试验,确定胰蛋白酶和胃蛋白酶水解林蛙油的最佳工艺;采用纳米微乳制剂,增加辅酶Q10的水溶性。结果:将含量为1%的林蛙油经过溶胀、匀浆、煮沸等预处理,通过三因素三水平正交试验,得到了双酶法水解林蛙油的最佳工艺条件,即:以1∶20的酶与底物比加入胰蛋白酶,50℃、水解5h后,以1∶10的酶与底物比加入胃蛋白酶,60℃、p H=3.5,水解8h后,加入辅酶Q10的纳米化制剂,最终进行口味调配。结论:该双酶法水解工艺可最大限度地水解林蛙油组织蛋白,并提高林蛙油的溶解性。与辅酶Q10纳米乳剂调配后制备的口服液溶解性好、澄明度佳、口味适宜、工艺稳定,适合大规模生产。
【Objective】To Optimize the hydrolysis parameters for oviductus rana enzymolysis,and the nano emulsion procedure of coenzyme Q10 and develope a compound oral liquid with stable quality,pleasant taste,and composite of oviductus rana and coenzyme Q10.【Method!】Orthogonal test was used to research the most optimal parameters for pepsin and trypsin enzymolysis of oviductus rana,and nano emulsion of coenzyme Q10 was prepared to increase the solubility of coenzyme Q10 in aqueous solution.【Result】On the basic of orthogonal test,the most optimal parameters of hydrolysis for oviductus rana,which was continuing trypsin enzymolysis for five hours firstly at the E/S rate of 1:20 in 50℃ water and then going on pepsin enzymolysis for eight hours at E/S rate of 1:20 in 60℃ water,was acquired after a series of preprocessing and taking full advantage of the nano emulsion procedure of coenzyme Q10,then gained the oral solution suitable for drinking after seasoning.【Conclusion!!】The degree of hydrolysis for histones of oviductus rana and solubility of oviductus rana and coenzyme Q10 were both significantly increased after pepsin and trypsin enzymolysis and nano emulsion procedure separately,and the compound oral solution prepared finally comprising of coenzyme Q10 and oviductus rana was stable with pleasant tastes and high clarity.It was indicated that the process developed in this study was stable,and it was potent to be utilized for bulk production.
Food and Nutrition in China
oviductus rana
coenzyme Q10
double enzymatic
orthogonal test
technology optimization