
铝合金结构腐蚀传感器综述 被引量:4

Review on Corrosion Sensors for Aluminium Alloy Structure
摘要 基于铝合金材料发生腐蚀后,其电特性发生了很大的变化,可以通过监测电特性的变化实现铝合金结构腐蚀程度评估的特性,重点描述了电流式、电阻式、阻抗式等腐蚀传感器的主要构造、功能及其工作原理。这些腐蚀传感器的研发和应用为早期发现飞机结构的腐蚀损伤提供了技术储备和有效手段,有利于及时采取修理或预防措施,从而减少或避免飞机结构发生重大腐蚀故障。最后提出了飞机结构腐蚀传感器研发的基本构想和总体思路,明确了其技术发展的重点方向。 Once aluminum alloys are corroded,their electrical characteristics will be significantly changed. Based on this principle,the corrosion sensors have been developed by detecting the changes in electrical characteristics to evaluate the corrosive degree for aluminum alloy structure. Currently,a series of corrosion sensors have been developed,which can capture the corrosive effect of aluminum alloy structures,including galvanic corrosion sensor,resistance corrosion sensor and impedance corrosion sensor and so on. The development and application of these corrosion sensors provide technical backup and effective means for the early detection of corrosions in the aircraft structure,and help to adopt corrosion resistant maintenance or protection measures in a timely manner so as to reduce or avoid severe corrosion failures of the aircraft structure. Finally,the working principles and application situations of the corrosion sensors were summarized,and the future development trend for the corrosion sensor technology was pointed out.
出处 《装备环境工程》 CAS 2014年第6期29-34,共6页 Equipment Environmental Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51075394 51175404) 西安莲湖区产学研项目(K2013-026)~~
关键词 铝合金结构 传感器 电化学腐蚀 腐蚀电流 aluminum alloy structures sensor electrochemical corrosion corrosion current
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