针对现有Argo盐度资料延时质量控制方法(OW方法)在时空尺度参数与最优压力层选取方面的不足,在气候态盐度剖面客观估计过程中引入梯度依赖空间尺度法,以及在最优压力层的选取中提出一个利用气候态盐度资料代替浮标原始盐度观测资料的优化方案,构建了一个改进的Argo盐度资料延时质量控制方法。采用理论和现场观测资料检验等手段,对梯度依赖空间尺度法在资料客观估计中的可行性,以及优化方案对选取最优压力层的合理性做了验证。结果表明,梯度依赖空间尺度法在温盐梯度较大海域,可以将15 MPa水深以上的盐度估计精度提高0.01以上,而利用气候态盐度客观估计结果选取最优压力层的优化方案,能够更合理地选取最优压力层。
To solve the deficiencies of the spatial scale and the best pressure levels in the existing Argo salinity delayed-mode quality control method( OW method) , a Gradient-Dependent Spatial Scale Method ( GDSSM) was introduced in objective estimation of climatological salinity at locations of the float profiles, an optimization scheme proposed in which climatological salinity is used instead of observations from the float, and an improved Argo salinity delayed-mode quality control method set up. Using the means of theory testing and field observation data testing, the feasibility of the GDSSM and the rationality of the optimization scheme were verified. The results show that, in the sea area where the sea-water temperature and salinity is large changes, the GDSSM can improve the accuracy about 0. 01 in above 150 bar depth, and that the optimization scheme can get more reasonable result of the best pressure levels.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)