纸质考试耗费资源,反馈迟缓,题库管理困难,无法随机抽题,教师阅卷工作量大,为此采用Moodle 2的在线考试模块进行了大规模在线考试实验。实验表明,Moodle 2的在线考试模块稳定安全、功能强大,在各级各类教育考试中值得推广应用。文章从高性能Moodle 2平台构建、题库建设、考试实施和成绩管理四方面详细阐述了Moodle 2大规模在线考试的实现方法及应用要点。
The paper-based exams have disadvantages including resourceswasting, feedback delay, difficulties in question bank management, no approaches to randomly select questions and vast marking workload. The experiment of large-scale online exam is carried on by Moodle 2. The experiment result showed that the Moodle 2 quiz module is stable, secureand powerful, should be widely appliedin all levels of education examination. The realization method and the application point of Moodle 2 large-scale online exam are elaborated from four aspects, including construction of high pertbrmance Moodle 2 platform, question bank building and implementationof exam and grade management.
Computer Era