目的分析心理、精神异常相关的眼耳鼻喉症状的临床表现及治疗方法、结果.方法:选择我院收治的80例心理、精神异常相关的眼耳鼻喉疾病患者为研究对象,其中,眼部异物感20例(精神科诊断有焦虑症),突发性耳聋24例(精神科诊断有抑郁症),鼻腔有异物感18例(精神科诊断有精神分裂症),咽异感18例(精神科诊断有癔症).每组患者均行临床常规抗焦虑症药物、抗抑郁症药物、抗精神分裂药物及抗癔症药物治疗,同时辅助心理、精神疗法治疗.结果:治疗后,患者眼部异物感、突发性耳聋、鼻腔有异物感、咽异感均消失.同时,治疗后,20例焦虑症患者的平均SAS 平分低于治疗前(P〈0.05);24例抑郁症患者的平均HAMD 评分低于治疗前(P〈0.05);18例精神分裂症患者的平均PANSS 评分低于治疗前(P〈0.05);18例癔症患者的平均SSPI 评分低于治疗前(P〈0.05).结论:心理、精神异常是导致患者发生突发性眼异物感、耳聋、鼻腔异物感及咽异感的重要危险因素,临床上予以患者抗精神病药物治疗的同时配合心理、精神疗法能有效促进患者的康复.
objective to analyze the psychological and mental disorder symptoms related to the eye, ear, nose and throat clinical manifestations and treatment methods andresults. Methods: our hospital 80 cases of psychological and mental abnormalities related to the eye, ear, nose and throat disease patients as the research object, among them, 20patients with ocular foreign body sensation (psychiatric diagnosis had anxiety disorders), 24 cases of sudden deafness (psychiatric diagnosis of depression), nasal cavity body sensation18 cases (psychiatric diagnosis of schizophrenia), pharynx different feeling 18 cases (psychiatric diagnosis with hysteria. Each group of patients in clinical routine anti anxiety drug,antidepressant drugs, schizophrenia drug resistance and resistance to hysteria medication, auxiliary psychological and mental therapy treatment at the same time. Results: aftertreatment, the patients with ocular foreign body sensation, sudden deafness, nasal foreign body sensation, pharynx vision perception all disappear. At the same time, the average SASafter treatment, 20 cases of patients with anxiety disorder share lower than before treatment (P 〈 0.05); The average 24 patients with depression HAMD score lower than beforetreatment (P 〈 0.05); 18 cases of patients with schizophrenia, on average, PANSS score lower than before treatment (P 〈 0.05); 18 cases of patients with hysteria SSPI average scorelower than before treatment (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: psychological and mental abnormality is leading to sudden eye foreign body sensation, deafness, nasal foreign body sensation, andof important risk factors, the sense of vision in patients with clinically to antipsychotic medication at the same time cooperate with psychology, psychotherapy can effectively promotethe recovery of patients.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
eye and ear symptoms