以WC-6%Co 为基本成分,计算原料醋酸钴,超纯炭黑、有机碳分别与WO2.72,WO3,APT, AMT配料量,称量后加入装有适量纯水的可倾斜式滚动球磨机,湿磨混匀形成料浆,然后充分搅拌料浆进行喷雾干燥,将喷雾干燥的前驱体粉末煅烧、过筛,称量装舟,推入1100℃通有氢气的高温钼丝炉中制备出WC-6Co复合粉末.结果表明:以WO2.72为原料制备WC-6Co 复合粉,粉末粒度在1~45μm,平均粒度为23.38μm;以WO3为原料制备粉末粒度在8~35μm,平均粒度为22.58μm;以APT为原料制备粉末粒度在1~34μm,平均粒度为12.81μm;以AMT为原料制备粉末粒度在3~45μm,平均粒度为17.83μm;粉末球形度由好到差顺序为:WO3、WO2.72、AMT、APT;松装密度由大到小顺序为:WO3、WO2.72、APT、AMT;流动性由好到差顺序为:WO2.72、WO3、APT、AMT;通过测量粉末BET,换算对应WO2.72、WO3、APT和AMT为原料时制备粉末的WC晶粒度分别为400 nm、252 nm、255 nm和26 nm.
Using WC-6 % Co as the basic ingredient, cobalt acetate, ultra-pure carbon, organic carbon are mixed with WO2.72, WO3, APT and AMT, respectively. After wet milled in the inclinable rolling mill with pure water, the slurry is formed. By sufficiently stirring and then spray drying the slurry ,the precursor powders are prepared. After being calcined, sieved and weighted, the precursor powders are pushed into 1 100 ℃ high temperature Mo wire furnace with H2 to prepare WC-6Co composite powders . The results show that the particle size of the WC-6Co composite powders prepared by using WO 2.72 as raw material is 1~45 μm, with average particle size of 23.38 μm; the particle sizes are 8~35 μm with average particle size of 22.58 μm and 1~34μm with average particle size of 12.81 μm, as well as 3~45 μm with average particle size of 17.83 μm by using WO3, APT and AMT as raw materials, respectively. The order of powder sphericity from good to bad is WO3, WO2.72, AMT and APT. The order of bulk density from large to small is WO3, WO2.72, APT, AMT. By measuring powders’BET, WC grain sizes of powders prepared by using WO2.72、WO3、AP and AMT as raw materials are 400 nm, 252 nm, 255 nm, 26 nm, respectively.
Nonferrous Metals Science and Engineering