目的 了解肺受累的朗格罕细胞组织细胞增生症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis,LCH)儿童的临床表现及影像学特点.方法 回顾分析首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院呼吸二科近4年来因肺部症状或肺部影像学异常而就诊,并通过活检确诊为肺受累的LCH的14例患儿临床表现和影像学特征.结果 14例中男10例,女4例,男女比2.5∶1;中位发病年龄为1.3岁.所有均伴有多系统受累,最常见的是伴皮肤受累(10例,71%),其次为肝受累(8例,57%)及骨受累(7例,50%).最常见的表现为咳嗽伴发热(7例,50%),呼吸道表现无特异性,3例患儿无呼吸道症状,但肺CT提示广泛肺间质改变.最常见的肺CT表现为结节合并囊泡(6例,43%),其他表现为仅囊泡无结节(5例,36%)、仅结节无囊泡(1例)、既无结节也无囊泡(2例,14%).结节可多发可散发,多为小结节,可大小不等,可含有囊腔.囊泡大小不等,形态不均,壁厚不均,可融合,可多发也可散发,可呈蜂窝样.7%患儿合并气胸.结论 肺受累的LCH常伴有皮肤、肝脏等多系统受累表现,易被误诊,仔细查找皮疹对于LCH的诊断有重要作用.高分辨率肺CT的特征性表现[肺间质改变、结节和(或)合并囊泡]有助于诊断.
Objective To improve the recognition of the clinical presentation and radiologic manifestation of children with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) with pulmonary involvement.Method A retrospective analysis was conducted on children who presented with respiratory symptoms or abnormal lung radiologic findings,and finally diagnosed with LCH in Ward 2 of Divison of Respiratory Diseases,Beijing Children's Hospital during the last 4 years.Result Fourteen children (10 boys and 4 girls) were included in this study.Male to female ratio was 2.5 ∶ 1.The median age was 1.3 years.Pulmonary involvements were coexisted with other involved organs in all the patients,such as skin (10 cases,71%),liver (8 cases,57%),and bone involvement (7 cases,50%).The most common symptoms were cough and fever (7cases,50%).Respiratory symptoms were nonspecific,and 3 children had no respiratory symptom but abnormal findings on lung high-resolution CT (HRCT).The most common HRCT finding was the coexistence of nodules and cysts (6 cases,43%).Other findings include cysts only (5 cases,36%),nodules only (1 case),and with neither nodule nor cyst (2 cases,14%).Pneumothorax was found in 7% of children.Conclusion Pulmonary involvement in children with LCH is easily misdiagnosed,and often coexisted with other involved tissues/organs such as skin and liver.Rash,which is easily missed in physical examination is very important for the diagnosis of LCH.The characteristic findings of lung HRCT (nodules and/or cysts) are helpful for diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics