
凤阳县勾儿茶属植物资源调查 被引量:2

Investigation on Botany Resource from Berchemia in Fengyang County
摘要 [目的]实地调查凤阳县勾儿茶属植物资源。[方法]实地采样、文献研究、调查走访,对安徽省凤阳县勾儿茶属(Berchemia)植物进行实地调查,鉴定其来源种质,并厘清勾儿茶属植物在该地区的资源分布状况。[结果]凤阳县勾儿茶属植物来源于鼠李科植物多花勾儿茶(Berchemia floribunda(Wall.)Brongn.)和牯岭勾儿茶(Berchemia kulingensis Schneid),两者均集中分布于殷涧镇、刘府镇丘陵落叶林林缘及荒山次生灌丛环境,散见于大庙镇、总铺镇和红心镇等低丘的疏林及次生低矮灌丛中;目前凤阳县域对勾儿茶属的利用仅局限于嫩叶制作茶饮(商品名"藤茶")的开发,且集中在殷涧镇宋集一处,早春清明前后采嫩叶制茶。凤阳县勾儿茶属植物有2种来源,由于生态分布接近,花果期前采摘嫩叶,植物形态较为接近,所以当地不加区分开发利用,且全部依赖野生资源;多花勾儿茶对生态环境有一定要求,仅分布在落叶阔叶林中及林缘等特定生境,易受人为干扰;凤阳县勾儿茶属植物资源商品化开发力度小,利用度低,并受制于野生资源分布。[结论]该研究为地区特色资源的开发利用提供依据。 [ Objective ] To investigate botany resource from Berchemia in Fengyanm County. [ Method ] Using sampling, literature review, in-terview, botany resource of Berchemia in Fengyanm County, Anhui Province was investigated, the origin of germplasm was identified, the distri-bution was surveyed. [ Result ] Berchemia plant belongs to Berchemia floribunda (Wall.) Brongn and Berchemia kulingensis Schneid mainly lo-cate in the hills of deciduous forest and barren mountain of shrub forest in Yinjian and Liufu town and scattered in Damiao, Zongpu and Hongxintown in the low shrub and low mound. So far the utilization of Berchemia plant in Fengyang is only limit on the development and production of itstender leaf (Product name Ampelopsis grossedentata). In Yinjian the tender leaf of its plant will be used as tea around the Tomb Sweeping Fes-tive in the early spring. There are two different resources of Berchemia plant in Fengyang district, the distribution area and the morphology arequiet close. So there is no difference on their development and utilization, and all depend on wild resource. Based on the investigation of theBerchemia plant with more flower has specific requirement on living environment and only can survive in or close to broad-leaved forest where iseasy disturbed by human life. The development and utilization of Berchemia plant in Fengyang is not good enough with low efficiency and be en-slaved to wild resource. [ Conclusion] The study can provide basis for development and utilization of local resource in Fengyang County.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第36期12895-12897,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 安徽科技学院校青年基金(ZRC2013342)
关键词 凤阳 勾儿茶属植物 资源 藤茶 Feng'yang Botany resource from Berchemia Resource Ampelopsis grossedentata
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