
论“内通”非“通感”——钱钟书道家通感论接读 被引量:2

The “Inner Commune”Is Not the “Synaesthesia”Qian Zhongshu's Misreading of Taoist Synaesthesia
摘要 通感是文艺学上的一个核心话题,道家哲学亦为中国历代文艺家所青睐。在通感问题上,道家的见解如何,换言之,道家通感论有何特点,既是一个文艺学问题,也是一个哲学问题。钱钟书的《通感》一文以及其《管锥编》第二册"列子张湛注"编("黄帝"),对通感与庄子(耳目)"内通"关系的研究,为我们深入探讨此问题提供了一个良好的契机。在这两则文献中,钱钟书将庄子的"耳目内通"说成是文艺学上的"通感"。此说流传甚广,堪称"典论"。文章认为,二者不可如此简单地等同,它们之间存在着复杂的关系。"通感"属于庄子"内通"的初级阶段,而"内通"则是对"通感"的扬弃。将庄子的"内通"视作"通感",是对庄子的浅化。如同在老子那里,庄子的真髓也是"无",只有从"无"(感官)的角度理解"通感",才会意识到,如果说道家也有"通感"之论,那它只是被安排在一个初级位置,更等而下之的是"耳目不通"。文章虽起于对钱氏之将"内通"与"通感"相混同的质疑,但最终则是勾勒出道家通感论的基本结构和特征。 The synaesthesia is a core topic in the field of literary studies while the Taoist philosophy was attractive to the Chinese ancient literary people. Therefore, the Taoist view on synaesthesia, or in other words, what the characteristics of the Taoist theory of synaesthesia are, will not only concern literature, but also philosophy. Qian Zhongshu' s article "Synaesthesia" as well as the section "Zhang Zhan' s Annotated Lietzu" (Huangdi) from his book Guanzhui Bian, vol. 2, is a valuable chance for us to further explore the relation of Chuang-tzu' s "Inner Commune" and the literary synaesthesia. In the above-mentioned literature, Qian Zhongshu reads Chuang-tzu' s "Inner Commune between Eyes and Ears" as the literary "synaesthesia". This article argues otherwise that the two concepts can not be equated as simply as done by Qian. There is indeed a very complicated relationship between them. The literary "synaesthesia" belongs to the initial stage of Chuang - tzu' s "Inner Commune" while the "Inner Commune" is the Aufheben of that "synaesthesia". As in Lao-tzu, the essence of Chuang-tzu is "Nothing" or Non-Organ, only from which could one fully understand "synaesthesia", and realize that if there is something called "synaesthesia" in Taoism, that should be placed at the elementary level, and further lower is the non-commune between eyes and ears. This article aims not only to question Qian' s misreading of the "Inner Commune" as literary "synaesthesia", but also to sketch the basic structure of the Taoist synaesthesia.
作者 金惠敏
出处 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期40-45,共6页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 钱钟书 庄子 通感 内通 大通 内视 Qian Zhongshu Chuang-tzu synaesthesia Inner Commune Great Commune Inner Sight
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