目的分析慈溪市城区社区卫生服务中心抗生素不合理应用情况,探讨有效的临床合理用药对策。方法随机抽取2012年3月—2014年3月慈溪市城区社区卫生服务中心的862张抗生素处方,对不合理应用情况进行统计分析。结果 862张抗生素处方中,74张为不合理处方,占8.6%。74张不合理处方中,头孢菌素类41例(55.4%),喹诺酮类22例(29.7%),大环内酯类11例(14.9%);口服用药53例(71.6%),静脉注射16例(21.6%),肌肉注射5例(6.8%)。不合理用药类型以重复用药最多,共25例,占33.8%,其次为用药剂量过大、药物选择不合理、用药剂量不足、给药方式不当、药理拮抗以及3种抗生素联用。结论抗生素不合理使用的现象较为普遍,有针对性的干预能够提高临床合理用药水平,保证用药安全。
Objective To analysis the unreasonable drug using of antibiotics in Community Health Service Center in Cixi city,to explore effective measures of rational drug using. Methods A total of 862 antibiotic prescriptions in Community Health Service Center in Cixi city from March 2012 to March 2014 were randomly selected and analyed. Results In the 862 antibiotic prescriptions,74(8. 6%)prescriptions were unreasonable. In the 74 unreasonable prescriptions,41(55. 4%)were cephalosporins,22 ( 29. 7%) were quinolones,11 ( 14. 9%) were macrolides;53 ( 71. 6%) were oral medication,16 (21. 6%)were intravenous injection,5(6. 8%)were intramuscular injection. A total of 25 cases(33. 8%)had repeated drug using,that followed by excessive dosage,unreasonable drug selection,dosage,unreasonable improper administration, pharmacological antagonism and combination using of three antibiotics. Conclusion Unreasonable drug using of antibiotics is common,targeted interventions can improve the level of clinical rational using,and ensure drug safety.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use
Anti-bacterial agents
Inappropriate prescriptions
Administration and dosage