

The Background of Studying Abroad and the Struggle for Power among the Kuomintang Central Leadership during the Earlier Stage of Nanjing National Government
摘要 在南京政府前期,归国留学生是中央领导层的大多数和主要决策者。在国民党第三、四、五届中央执行委员会委员中,具有留学背景的委员平均占总数的一半以上,其中留日出身的最多。他们位高权重,南京政府前期的军国大事基本掌控在他们手中。他们发展了孙中山的"党治"理论,主导、推动了国民党一党专政体制的确立,国民党内外的派系斗争也大都由他们担任主角。中日民族矛盾日益加剧,各派在抗战前大体上都有所约束,在整体上呈现了留学生群体一致对外的爱国主流。 During the earlier stage of Nanjing National Government, the majority and the main leaders of the government administration committee and Kuomintang central committee had studied a- broad. In the third, fourth and fifth of the Kuomintang central executive committee during this peri- od, members having studied abroad are more than half of the whole members of the Kuomintang cen- tral committee. And Japan was the most popular target country for them. They were the powerful high-ranking officials basically controlling the national and military affairs. As far as the theoretical construction of Kuomintang was concerned, they developed the Sun Yat-sen^s theory of "governing the state through the Party". And they promoted the establishment of one-party dictatorship of the Kuomintang in practice, and played a very important role in the struggle among factions within and beyond Kuomintang. However, due to the rise in ethnic conflicts between China and Japan before An- ti-Japanese War, the factions were restrained by and large, and thus the overall performance of the re- turned overseas students was patriotic.
作者 周棉
出处 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期39-45,共7页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(10BZM081) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD101)
关键词 南京政府前期 国民党 中央领导层 留学背景 派系斗争 权力之争 the earlier stage of Nanjing National Government Kuomintang the central leader-ship the background of studying abroad factions conflict struggle for power
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