以安徽铜陵相思河流域为例,研究金属矿山开采活动区重金属的分布特征.在该流域分别采集了采矿废石、土壤、水系沉积物及地表水样品,测试了其中的Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、As和Hg的含量,实验并计算了采矿废石产生矿山酸性排水的可能性,采用改进的Fǒrtsner 5步逐级提取法分析了采矿废石中Pb和Cr的赋存形态,进而总结了各类样品中重金属元素的分布特征,探讨了矿山开采活动区重金属的生态危害.研究表明,铜陵相思河流域上游凤凰山铜矿的采矿废石较少或不产生矿山酸性排水,而中游新桥硫铁矿的采矿废石会产生矿山酸性排水,缘于前者富含重金属元素的硫化物矿物含量较低而CaO含量较高.采矿废石中重金属元素含量一般较高,且其中还原态含量与之呈正相关关系,表明采矿废石中的重金属元素极易溶解于矿山酸性排水中而迁移至矿山周围环境.相思河流域土壤、水系沉积物和水体中的重金属分布具有明显的规律性,上游地区重金属元素含量较低,没有超过相应的国家污染标准和元素背景值,而中游地区重金属元素含量均较高,有明显的重金属污染,反映中游地区新桥硫铁矿的采矿活动对采矿区周边环境有一定的生态危害,矿山企业应重视采矿废石的排放及酸性矿山排水的处置.
The Xiangsi River valley was selected to study the distribution of heavy metals in mining area. Waste rocks,soils,sediments and waters of Xiangsi River valley were sampled. The concentrations of Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Cr,As and Hg were analyzed.The possibility of generating acid drainage of the waste rocks was studied. Meanwhile,the speciation of Pb and Cr in waste rocks was analyzed by the five-step sequential chemical extract method developed by Fǒrtsner. And then the distribution of heavy metals in various samples was summarized,and the ecological risk of heavy metals in mining area was discussed. The results indicated that the waste rocks of Fenghuangshan copper mine upriver barely generated acid mine drainage(AMD). But the waste rocks of Xinqiao pyrite mine in the middle area generated AMD. The content of sulfide mineral rich of heavy metals was lower and the content of CaO was higher in the waste rocks of Fenghuangshan copper mine,resulting in the different AMD generation ability. The contents of heavy metals in waste rocks were higher,and the deoxidization of Pb and Cr was positively correlated with their concentrations in waste rocks. The results indicated that heavy metals in waste rocks would be most likely dissolved in AMD and then contaminate the environment. There was obvious regularity in the distributions of heavy metals in soils,sediments and waters of Xiangsi river valley. The concentrations of heavy metals upriver were lower than those of corresponding national standards and elements background values. But there was obvious heavy metal contamination in the middle area. It was shown that the mining activities of Xinqiao pyrite mine in the middle area had ecological harm to the surrounding environment. And mining enterprises should pay attention to the emissions of mining wastes and the treatment of AMD.
Environmental Science