According to the large - scale testing data of the third - grade students and the eighth - grade students of compulsory education in the mainland of China, we analyzed the academic status of students' learning on mathematics and erected HLM( hierarchical linear model) to discuss the in- fluential factors on students' achievements. In the whole research, we extracted 38312 students from Grade three and 21105 students from Grade eight, 2008 primary school mathematics teachers, 1648 junior high mathematics teachers, 1184 primary school principals and 597 junior high princi-pals. Results from the research have been presented here. Firstly, the status of mathematics stand- ard - r'eaching in the mainland has been demonstrated well. 86% third - grade students and 80% eighth - grade students have reached the requirements of curriculum standards, while students per- formed worse in "problem solving" than in "Knowledge and skills", "Mathematical understanding" and "Rules applying". Besides, 1/4third - grade students and 1/3 eighth - grade students failed in reaching standards. Secondly, the academic achievement existed a certain difference within different group( east, central, west, city, county, village ), grade three performed more significant. Thirdly, 54% primary students' academic difference derived from discrepancies of their schools, while 29% junior high students differed in academic achievement because of their schools. Fourthly, there are too many factors influencing the differences of academic achievements in mathematics among schools. To students, humanity factors, which include the relationship between students and teach- ers and the self - confidence of learners, effect students' mathematics most. To schools, "sense of belonging" influences most in primary school, but the teaching method has more affects that sense of belonging in middle school. Fifthly, in order to improve students' academic achievement of mathematics in compulsory education, all teachers should stri
Global Education
Mainland of China
mathematics academic achievements of compulsory education
in-fluence factors