

Identity: Visa-free Issue within Russia-Europe Relations
摘要 免签问题是俄欧对话中的重要议题,从2002年提出至今,已有十年时间。如今,俄欧在这一问题上陷入僵局,竟成了影响双边关系向前发展的一大障碍。免签对于俄欧来说到底意味着什么?这一问题的前景如何?借鉴符号学的分析范式,将"免签"视为能指,其所指为"可以自由出入欧洲的资格"。从这一角度切入,可以发现,在关于这一问题的对话过程中,俄欧之间其实形成了一种"欧盟/审核者—俄罗斯/申请人"的关系。欧盟以"承诺"为手段,使俄罗斯不断向其所立的标准靠拢。由于在显性标准之外还有一套俄罗斯永远无法达到的隐性标准,因此,俄罗斯终究不会获得欧盟的免签——俄罗斯成不了欧盟心中的欧洲人。 It has been 12 years since the visa-flee entry, an important topic for Russia-Europe dialogue, was proposed. Currently, Russia and Europe are at a deadlock on this issue, which has become a major obstacle against the further development of bilateral relations. What on earth does visa-flee entry mean and what are the prospects? Based on the paradigm of semiotic, the "visa-flee" issue is regarded as a signifier while the signified is "the qualification to enter Europe freely". From this perspective, it can be found that during the dialogue on this issue, in fact, "moderator - applicant" relationship has been formed between Russia and the EU. With "promises" as means, the EU enables Russia to move closer to its established standards. Because in addition to dominant standards, there also exist recessive ones, which Russia will never reach. As a result, Russia will not gain the visa-flee entry to the EU in the end. After all, Russia cannot become Europeans in the mind of the EU.
作者 文龙杰
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期120-149,共30页 Russian Studies
关键词 俄欧关系 俄欧免签 身份认同 移民问题 Russia-Europe Relations, Visa-free Entry, Identity,Immigration Issue
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