以新建加工15 Mt/a俄罗斯原油炼油厂的总流程方案研究及设计优化过程为例,说明了加工价格较高的俄罗斯原油的总流程方案配置。分析内容包括俄罗斯原油性质变化趋势,特别关注硫含量、芳烃潜含量和盐含量等指标,全厂高附加值产品确定。在关键工艺技术方案研究中列举了减压蒸馏装置、加氢裂化装置和烷基化装置的规模确定、重整原料选取及对二甲苯产品的合适规模、C6组分的去向等内容,提出了对二甲苯退守工况下总流程方案设置,以保证全厂汽油调合仍能满足质量要求。最终推荐的全厂总流程方案,能够取得较好的技术和经济效益,相关研究及分析结果可以为类似企业加工俄罗斯原油提供经验参考。
Process configuration and optimization for processing higher-price Russian crude is described through a case study of a grass-root refinery processing 1 500 × 10^4 tons/year Russian crude. Properties and variation trends, especially sulfur contents, potential aromatics contents and salt contents of Russian crude as well high value-added products of the refinery are studied. The capacity optimization of vacuum distillation unit, hydrocracking unit and alkylation unit are performed in the study of process configuration. The critical process schemes are investigated which include the studies on the feedstock for catalytic reformer, appropriate capacity of para-xylene unit, the outlet of C6 components, technical scheme of fluid catalytic cracking unit, design of sulfur recovery unit and blending components for refinery gasoline pool. In consideration of possible market risk for para-xylene, a modified process configuration is proposed to produce gasoline blending compo- nents and ensure that the blended gasoline can meet the required specifications. Recommended process config- uration can achieve better technical and economic results. The study results provide good experiences and ref- erence for companies processing similar Russian crude.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
Russian crude, process configuration, scheme optimization, planning and design