本研究对2012年从湖南活禽市场中分离到的一株鸭源H8N4亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)A/duck/Hu N/S3160/2012(H8N4)进行全基因组序列和进化分析,并对其进行SPF鸡、SPF鸭和BALB/c小鼠的致病性试验。序列分析显示:HA裂解位点序列为339PSIEPK↓GLF347,为典型的低致病性AIV特征。内部基因来源较复杂,Hu N/160/12的PB1、NS基因分别与A/spot-billed duck/Xianghai/427/2011(H5N2)和A/wild bird/Korea/A81/2009(H5N2)的同源性最高,其余内部基因同源性最高的病毒株来自H2、H3、H4、H7、H10等亚型分离株,呈现明显的异源性。感染性试验结果显示,病毒在SPF鸭体内可以通过呼吸道和消化道向外排毒,并且能够在气管、肾脏、盲肠扁桃体及法氏囊检测到病毒,而不能在鸡体内有效复制及排毒。对小鼠的感染性试验结果显示,仅在鼻甲和肺检测到病毒存在,其他脏器病毒滴定结果为阴性,体重呈一过性下降,表明该病毒为低致病性AIV。
To study the biological characteristics of a H8N4 subtype avian influenza virus (AIV),the AIV A/duck/HuN/S3160/ 2012(H8N4) was isolated from duck in a live poultry market in Hunan and subjected to sequencing analysis and animal pathogenic tests.The sequencing results showed that the isolate had a HA cleavage site of 339PSIEPK ↓ GLF347,which was a characteristic structure of low pathogenic AIV and the PB1 and NS genes were highly homologous to A/spot-billed duck/Xianghai/427/2011 (H5N2) and A/wild bird/Korea/A81/2009(H5N2) respectively; the rest of the internal genes were highly homologous to H2,H3,H4,H7 and H10 subtypes of AIV.In addition,the pathogenic test showed that the virus has the ability to efficient replication in ducks and resulted in shedding through the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts,but it was unable to replicate in chickens.Moreover,virus was also restricted replication in lung and nasal shall in the experimentally infected BALB/c mice,indicating the isolate was a low-pathogenic virus.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine