目的了解昆山市病毒性肝炎的流行特征,为卫生行政部门制定有效的病毒性肝炎防治措施提供科学依据。方法对2004-2013年昆山市网络直报系统中病毒性肝炎疫情资料进行分析,统计软件选用SPSS17.0。结果 2004-2013年昆山市累计报告病毒性肝炎4 159例,年均发病率为26.67/10万,其发病率及在甲乙类传染病中所占的比例均呈现先降后升的趋势。最主要的类型是乙肝占总数的68.74%,其构成比在逐年升高,近几年除甲肝外,其余几种类型的肝炎发病率均有不同程度的上升。丙肝在春夏季发病高于秋冬季(χ^2=8.74,P〈0.05),戊肝在冬春季发病较高(χ^2=34.99,P〈0.01),其余类型肝炎发病无明显季节差异。城区年平均发病率高于乡镇(P〈0.01),男性高于女性(P〈0.01)。25-44岁为高发年龄组,而发病率最高的是50岁以上的中老年;职业以工人与农民为主。结论病毒性肝炎发病有明显上升趋势,应加强相关肝炎疫苗在儿童以及普通人群中的接种,强化疾病监测,加大对群众尤其是城区流动人口的健康宣教。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of viral in recent 10 years in Kunshan, and provide scientific evidence for perfecting the strategies and measures for the treatment and prevention on viral. Methods The information of the epidemics of viral from computer disease reporting system in Kunshan during years 2004-2013 were analysed. SPSS17.0 software was selected. Results 4 159 cases of viral in 10 years were reported. The average incidence of the disease was 26.67 per 100 000. The incidence and proportion of Class A and B infectious diseases showed the first rise after falling trend. Hepatitis B was the main type which was 68.74% of the total. The ratio increased year by year. In recent years various types of hepatitis incidence rates had increased in varying degrees except hepatitis A. The incidence of hepatitis C was higher in spring and summer(χ^2=8.74,P 0.05)and the incidence of hepatitis E was higher in winter and spring(χ^2=34.99,P〈0.01). Other types of hepatitis had not obvious seasonal characteristic. The average incidence was higher in urban townships(P〈0.01). The male incidence was higher female(P〈0.01). Young adults aged 25-44 was higher incidence in case but the highest incidence was in the elderly aged over 50. Occupational workers and peasants were the main profession.Conclusion Currently the incidence of viral hepatitis appeared the upward trend. We should strengthen related hepatitis vaccination among children and the general population. The disease surveillance would be strengthened. And increase health education to people especially the urban migrants.
Journal of Tropical Medicine
viral hepatitis
epidemiological characteristics