以广州市海珠区连锁超市便利店物流配送为例,根据2012年广州市道路网络数据集,结合VRPTW模型(Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows)和Arc GIS网络分析模块进行路面顺畅和交通拥堵情况下的配送与仿真模拟。结果表明,在路面顺畅的情况下,3个配送中心只需用到5辆车,花费时间为29 h 10 min,行驶47 834.1m,即可完成对26个配送点共4 450件货物的配送。而交通拥堵对物流的准时配送产生了显著的影响,随着拥堵时间的增加,整个物流配送过程受到的影响越来越大。在交通拥堵的情况下,选择避开拥堵路段,重新优化配送路线,路线优化后的整个配送过程所行使的总距离比路面通畅时多走了5 182 m,时间上多花了28 min。然而选择优化路线后所花的时间相对于在道路路段拥挤所花费的时间和在每个拥堵路口的等待时间而言,显然优化后的路线更加可取。通过优化路径可以节省费用,节约资源以及减少流通环节中的时间损耗,获得最佳的行驶路线,能有效提高物流配送服务质量和效率。
With the rapid development of the logistics industry, it is a key issue that how to reduce the cost of logistics distribution in the fierce market competition and improve the competitiveness of commodities. Taking the logistics distribution of supermarket chain stores in Haizhu District in Guangzhou as an example, according to the road network dataset of Guangzhou in 2012, and using the VRPTW model(Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows) and the network analysis module of the tabu search algorithm, this paper made a study on routing optimization and simulation for logisticcs distribution under the situations of smooth traffic flow and traffic congestion. The results showed that in the case of smooth traffic, the three distribution centers only used five cars, spending 29 hours and 10 minutes, driving 47 834.1 m, to complete the distribution of 4 450 goods for the 26 distribution points. But traffic jams had a significant impact on logistics punctual delivery, with the increase of the congestion time, the entire logistics process was increasingly affected. In the traffic congestion situation, the distribution route should be optimized to avoid congestion sections. Although the total mileage of the optimized distribution route was 5 182 m more and the driving time 28 minutes more than those of the original route with smooth traffic, the optimized route was more desirable, as compared with the waiting time on the congested road. With optimizing the distribution route, the distribution centers could save cost, save resource and reduce time loss in the circulation links and then could effectively improve the efficiency and quality of logistics distribution service.
Tropical Geography