国家发改委要求在2015年底以前所有已通气城市均应建立起居民生活用气阶梯价格制度。这对于引导居民节约用气,缓解供气紧张压力,促进社会资源公平分配和燃气公司持续稳定发展,都具有重大意义。建立阶梯气价制度,必须选择适当的计量周期,确定合理的阶梯气量。本文认为,以1个季度作为阶梯气量计量周期最为合适,第一档气量应定在150 m^3~180 m^3之间,按照充分发挥市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用的原则,制定科学合理的居民生活用气阶梯价格。
NDRC requires that the ladder price system of gas for domestic use should be established in all the cities that have been equipped with gas pipeline by the end of 2015. This is of great significance in advocating thrift in gas use, alleviating the pressure of gas supply and in promoting fair distribution of social resources and the sustainable and stable development of gas companies. Appropriate measurement cycle must be selected and reasonable ladder gas volume should be settled. This paper maintains that the most appropriate measurement cycle for ladder gas volume is a quarter and the first leg volume should be set between 150 cubic meters and 180 cubic meters. Scientific and reasonable ladder price of gas for domestic use should be set on the principle of giving full play to the decisive role that market plays in the allocation of resources and better play of government's role.
Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition)
gas for domestic use, urban gas, ladder price, ladder gas volume, measurement cycle