目的探讨真两性畸形的发病机制、临床特点及诊治措施。方法对我院收治的真两性畸形妊娠足月产1例的临床资料进行回顾分析,并复习相关文献。结果患者孕38+4周临产,妇科检查发现外生殖器呈两性畸形,剖宫产娩出一正常男活婴,术中发现右侧卵巢有睾丸样组织,行卵睾切除,术后病理检查提示真两性畸形。染色体核型:46XX。术后6 d痊愈出院。结论临床上对真两性畸形应及时、正确诊断,并进行性别确认,早期手术治疗。
Objective To explore the pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of true hermaph-roditism. Methods The clinical data of a case of true hermaphroditism with full-term pregnancy was analyzed, and related literature was reviewed. Results The patient labored at 38 +4 weeks of pregnancy, and was found having hermaphroditism through gynecological examination. A live male infant was delivered by cesarean section. The ovotestis was found on the right side, then it was removed, and pathological result showed hermaphroditism. Chromosome karyotype was 46XX. Six days after surgery, the patient was discharged with recovery. Conclusion Early and correct diagnosis of true hermaphroditism and prop-er operation according to the gender chosen in time are essential for these patients.
Clinical Misdiagnosis & Mistherapy
Ovotesticular disorders of sex development
Term birth