Based on traditional Bertrand and Stackelberg games, we construct and study a three-stage quality game model. In the Bertrand game, there is no advantage for producing high quality product for the market. In the Stackelberg game, there is a first-mover advantage in the market. For both the two games, we show that the profit of the first-moving firm increases while the profit of late-moving firm decreases, and the quality and price differences decrease, which explains that the competition is more fierce in Stackelberg game than that in Bertrand game. The equilibrium of the model is that both firms take the first-moving strategy, namely, choosing the Bertrand competition. We analyze the strategy that first- moving firm deters and the late-moving firm enters, and show that whether the firm choose to enter the market, and what kind of quality products to provide, depend on the trade-of{ between the degree of advantage of the first-mover and the cost of entering for the late-mover.
Journal of Systems & Management