
城市道路占道施工交通管理对策研究 被引量:10

Traffic Management Countermeasure of Occupying-Road Construction in Urban Road
摘要 为提高城市道路占道施工交通管理水平,在分析占道施工对城市道路交通参与要素中的人、车、道路和安全等方面影响的基础上,梳理总结了占道施工时的社会车辆、公共交通、交通参与人三类交通流组织和占道施工交通秩序整治、交通精细化设计的技术要点;然后从交通调查、交通系统供给与改善、交通管理政策措施制定和交通设施设置四个方面探讨了交通组织方案设计方法;最后,提出了交通管理方案决策、交通宣传诱导和交通管理方案的监测与完善三个方面的保障策略。 In order to improve the level of road traffic management in occupying-road construction, the impact of occupying-road construction on traffic safety and traffic elements such as people, vehicles, roads and traffic safety were analyzed. And the main technical points that include organizing three sorts of traffic flow such as social vehicles, public transportation and people, remediating the traffic order, and carrying out detailed design, were summarized. Furthermore, from the four aspects of traffic survey, supply and improvement of traffic system, formulation of traffic policy and the setting up of traffic facilities, the design way of traffic organization was discussed. Finally, the three aspects of security strategy were put for ward, which is the decision-making of traffic management scheme, propaganda and guidance of traffic, monitoring and improvement of traffic management scheme.
作者 巩建国 戴帅
出处 《交通标准化》 2014年第22期15-20,共6页 Communications Standardization
关键词 城市道路 占道施工 交通影响 交通组织 管理制度 urban road occupying-road construction traffic impact traffic organization management system
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