Taking the physically modified completely weathered granite subgrade filler of G318 recon-struction project in Qingyang County as the research object, its shear strength indexes and intensity char-acters are discussed through large direct shear test. The results prove that: the modified filler has good shear strength indexes, the cohesion is small and internal friction angle is large;the shear strength shows a trend of decrease with the increase of moisture content, the change of shear strength is small with 3%near the best moisture content of the improved filler, the moisture content of improved filler can be in-creased or decreased by 3%during construction;when the filler is saturate, the shear strength decreases nearly 25%, the subgrade cannot be soaked by water;the shear strength can be advanced and the water stability can be enhanced with compaction coefficient increase;the impact of max particle size on shear strength indexes relates to the coarse particle content, which cannot be used to evaluate the intensity of the improved filler separately.
Communications Standardization
completely weathered granite
subgrade filler
physical improvement
intensity character