

Byzantine Fault-tolerant Middleware for Web Service
摘要 根据Web服务的特点,设计了一个拜占庭容错中间件。基于使用最广泛的SOAP引擎Axis2,屏蔽了拜占庭错误容忍算法的细节和数据传输的细节,应用程序逻辑只需要调用中间件提供的接口发送和接收消息即可。将该中间件作为SOAP引擎的传输层,使得SOAP引擎能够使用各种底层传输协议,而不是局限于某一种传输协议。基于Axis2的Web服务可以方便地使用该中间件,具备拜占庭容错能力。进行了实验分析,结果显示了设计的有效性。 Based on the features o{ Web services, a Byzantine fault-tolerant middleware is proposed. The middleware is based on Axis2 which is the most widely used as the SOAP engine. The details of the Byzantine fault tolerant algorithm and data transmission are screened by the middleware. The applications use the I/O provided by the middleware to send and re- ceive messages. The middleware is used as the transport layer of SOAP engine, which makes SOAP engine can use a variety of underlying transport protocol, rather than confined to a particular transport protocol. The Axis2 is used as a middleware platform making the existing Web services based on Axis2 do a few modifications to use the middleware and have the ability to tolerance Byzantine faults. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the design.
作者 周伟 陈柳
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2014年第11期2128-2131,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
基金 华中师范大学基本科研业务费专项资金(理科)项目(编号:CCNU13A05012)资助
关键词 复制品 WEB服务 中间件 SOAP AXIS2 replica, Web services, middleware, SOAP, Axis2
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