新疆阿尔泰诺尔特地区石炭纪火山岩属钙碱性系列 ,主要是酸性陆相火山岩 ,火山作用中爆发、喷溢、侵出 3种喷发形式均存在 ,产生了爆发 -喷溢相、降落相、侵出相及火山喷发沉积相等火山岩相 ,火山活动受断裂控制 ,呈喷发裂隙 -中心式 ,是构造演化过程中汇聚阶段向新陆壳阶段过渡时期火山作用的产物。火山岩岩浆起源于成熟度较高的中地壳位置 ,成岩物质来源于地壳 。
The Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Nurt faulted volcanic basin of Altay, Xinjiang were formed during the interim of the crustal evolution from the convergent stage to the new continental crust stage,and the volcanic rocks are acidic and rich in kalium and belong to the calcium-alkalescence series.Volcanic activities took place in land environment in the forms of explosion,effusion and extrusion,and the volanic rock faces,such as explosion-effusion face,fall out face, extrusion face and eruption-sedimentary face,were produced.Controlled by faults, the volcanic eruptions occurred in fissure-central style. The volcanic magmas were derived from the middle crust with a high maturity through partial melting of crustal material.
Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
"九五"国家科技攻关项目 ( 96 -915 -0 2 -0 4)