The building of maritime silk road is affected by many factors which involves wide area and has complex relationship . In order to clear the hierarchy structure and influence , and provide references for policy - makers to give priority to formulate maritime silk road building programmers .The factors are constructed with elementary conditions , political diplomatic conditions , economic conditions , safety conditions ,and guarantee conditions .By using interpretative structure model , a 3 - layer hierarchy structure is established includ-ing surface direct factors ,middle - layer indirect and deep fundamental factors which are obtained after analyzing the relationship of factors . Then analytic hierarchy process is introduced to determine the relative weights of surface factors .The results show that using interpretative structure model can effectively establish the factors structure which influencing directly factors’ hierarchical relationships .Using analytic hi-erarchy process can identify the key and important factors including specialized maritime silk road management institutions ,facilitation of customs clearance between ports of countries ,the perfection of system of collection and distribution which are the key factors influencing the building of maritime silk road .
Journal of Industrial Technological Economics