Objective:To assess the value of CT and MRI in the diagnosis of Berry syndrome.Methods:CT and MR images of 18 cases of Berry syndrome confirmed by the operative findings were analyzed retrospectively.Results:The mal-formations of Berry syndrome consisted of the distal aortopulmonary window (18 cases),aortic origin of the right pulmona-ry artery (18 cases),interruption of aortic arch (17 cases)and coarctation of the aorta (one case)and intact ventricular sep-tum (18 cases).The most common associated malformations or complications included pulmonary hypertension (18 cases), patent ductus arteriosus (18 cases)and atrial septal defect (9 cases).All the cases were diagnosed correctly by CT and MRI.Conclusion:All containing malformations of Berry syndrome could be diagnosed accurately by CT and MRI.
Radiologic Practice