

Rewriting of Darwinism in the Chinese Context
摘要 达尔文主义在中国的传播过程中发生了改变,主要原因:一是中国传统文化思想与来自异质文化思想的交互影响;二是中国19世纪所面临的"保种"的重压。二者从文化和现实方面迫使达尔文主义发生变形。通过对这种现象的研究,可以看出达尔文主义在中国的理论旅行不是单向度的输出和接受,最终形成的结果是两个异质文化体之间"文化协商"或者说是"文化翻译"的产物,是在中国文化语境下经过"改写"的达尔文主义。重要的是"改写"不仅是个人行为,而更是来自背后的本族文化因素。因此,研究视野应从单一的译本扩展到背后的文化文本,进而探究中国本族文化是怎样介入到进化论的翻译及传播过程中来,并在近代中国构建国家思维过程中起到作用。 Darwinism was modified when it was introduced into China.The result is due to the cultural interaction between the two different cultural bodies,and to the pressure of the Chinese nation's survival in the late 19 th century.Both contributed to the reshaping of Darwinism.By researching on this phenomenon,this paper is intended to argue that the introduction of Darwinism into China is not just the acceptance of the said theory on the side of China,but more of an event of cultural negotiation between the heterogeneous cultural entities,which results in the rewriting of Darwinism in the Chinese context,an act motivated more by mother culture than individuals.Thus the study should go beyond the translated text to the larger cultural text behind so as to probe how Chinese culture involved itself in the translation,distribution and acceptance of the theory of evolution and what role it played in the in the construction of China's national thinking.
作者 查日新
出处 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第5期1-7,共7页 Journal of North University of China:Social Science Edition
关键词 达尔文主义 中国语境 改写 文化协商 文化隐喻 政治修辞 Darwinism Chinese context rewriting cultural negotiation cultural metaphor political rhetorics
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