提出以Compact RIO作为硬件平台,用Lab VIEW FPGA技术实现48通道强震动数据采集器底层数据采集功能。详细阐述了设计要点及从技术上实现了时钟同步、数据采集、标定信号输出、量程设置、状态显示、外触发信号接入等功能。结果表明,数据采集器的噪声、动态范围、幅频响应等主要技术指标满足国内地震行业标准DB/T 10-2001的要求,数据采集器的线性度误差满足DB/T 22-2007的要求。实现的阶段成果能为人们利用NI产品进行强震动数据采集器开发提供重要参考。
By taking CompactRIO as hardware platform, and using LabVIEW FPGA technique, the paper bring about the bottom data acquisition function of 48 channel strong motion data acquisition. The paper elaborates the key points of design in detail, and technically realizes the function of clock synchronization, data acquisition, calibration signal output, range set, state show, external triggering signal access, etc. The results show that the recorder's main technical indicators, for example, noise, dynamic range, frequency response, ete, meet the domestic requirements of seismic industry standard DB/T 10-2001 and linearity error meets the DB/T 22-2007. The stage result realized can provide important reference for people who will develop strong motion dataacquisition by use of NI products.
South China Journal of Seismology