
肠道内窥镜活检机器人系统 被引量:4

Intestinal Biopsy Endoscopic Robot System
摘要 基于肠道活检诊疗任务,设计了气囊钳位和活检机构,研制出肠道胶囊内窥镜机器人,完成了在肠道中的自主运动、视频检查和活检取样任务,并通过实验检测了肠道活检机器人系统的性能.结果表明:采用花瓣气囊能够减小容积,缩短打气时间,并使钳位力提高至1.56N;所用活检钳的剪切力大于10N,且活检过程可视、动作可重复;在无线供能条件下,所研制的系统运行稳定. Based on intestinal biopsy diagnosis demand, the gasbag anchoring mechanism and biospy mecha- nism were designed. The intestinal capsule endoscopy robot was developed which could move autonomous- ly in the intestine and conduct video examination and biopsy. Experimental results show that the petals air- bags can effectively increase the clamping force to 1.56 N, while reducing the volum. The shear force of biopsy forceps is greater than 10 N, which meets the requirements of visualization, and the biopsy motion is repeatable. With wireless power system, the system is stable and reliable.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期674-678,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31170968) 载人航天领域预先研究项目(010203) 上海市科委项目(09DZ1907400)
关键词 肠道内窥镜 机器人 活检取样 intestinal endoscope robot biopsy
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