[目的]试验20%烯啶虫胺水剂对稻飞虱的防治效果。[方法]通过小区试验和示范区试验,研究20%烯啶虫胺水剂防治稻飞虱的效果。[结果]20%烯啶虫胺水剂对稻飞虱有明显的控制作用,有较好的速效性和较长的持效性,对水稻生长安全。建议在稻飞虱低龄若虫高峰期用药,用药量在375 ml/hm2左右。[结论]为稻田稻飞虱的防控提供了参考。
Objective] The aim was to study control effect of 20% Nitenpyram AS against rice hopper. [Method] The control effect of 20% Nitenpyram AS a-gainst rice hopper was studied through plot experiment and demonstration area experiment. [Result] 20% Nitenpyram AS had obvious control effect against rice hopper and was safe to rice. And its had quicker control efficacy and longer control time. So it is suggested that 20%Nitenpyram AS could be used to control rice hopper at peak stage of young nymphs, the dose of 20%Nitenpyram AS was 375 ml/hm2. [Conclusion] The result provides reference for the control of rice hopper.
Journal of Agricultural Catastrophology