针对如何部署光学探测设备才能更好实现对空间目标的高精度高频度监视问题,考虑光照条件、相对关系及探测性能,构建了天/地基空间目标探测与成像仿真模型;按照轨道特征选取了94颗LEO(Low Earth Orbit,低地球轨道)卫星、63颗GEO(Geosynchronous Earth Orbit,地球同步轨道)卫星和18颗大椭圆轨道卫星,选用春夏秋冬典型季节的特定时间长度,仿真分析了国内地基、南北极科考站、LEO卫星、准GEO卫星等多平台光电手段的位置探测和成像观测能力;比对分析地基平台纬度和季节、天基平台轨道高度和倾角对探测能力的影响得出:南北极科考站相比于国内站点可提高重点季节的探测时效性,98°倾角LEO平台对低轨目标成像时效性方面更具优势,等。在此基础上,提出了我国空间目标光电观测设备天地一体的布局构想。
A space/ground-based space object detection and imaging simulation model is constructed for better de- ployment of optical observation equipment for high-accuracy and high-frequency surveillance of space objects, taking into consideration illumination conditions, mutual relationships and detection performance. According to orbital characteristics, 94 LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites, 63 GEO (Geosynchronous Earth Orbit) satellites and 18 elliptical orbit satellites were selected from all satellites in orbit. Optical detection and imaging capability for space ob jects from ground-based stations, polar research stations, LEO orbit and quasi-GEO orbit satellites was simulated in specific length of time in four seasons. The time effectiveness of different latitude positions and season time of ground station, different orbital altitudes and orbital inclinations of space-based platforms, was compared and ana lyzed. The conclusion is that polar research stations are more effective than domestic stations in most season time, and the LEO orbit of 98 degree inclination is more effective in optical imaging on LEO space objects. Finally, a concept of integrated space-ground distribution of optical surveillance equipment of China for space objects is presented.
Journal of Spacecraft TT&C Technology
time effectiveness of space object surveillance
distribution of observation equipment
optical detection and imaging
polar research station
quasi-Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO)