
道路景观设计对驾驶行为的影响研究 被引量:4

Effects of Road Landscape Design on Driving Behavior
摘要 道路景观对交通安全有重要影响。为解决当前道路景观设计工作过程中存在的设计方案表现形式落后、动态体验失真、无法定量评价等问题,将驾驶模拟实验与口头问答相结合,设计驾驶行为与道路景观因素水平相关性模拟驾驶实验。驾驶行为数据的方差分析结果表明,道路景观的色彩、株距、高度、冠幅、路边距因素的不同水平会影响驾驶员对道路景观的感受及其驾驶行为。通过主成分分析将速度、前向加速度、横向位置、横向加速度及转向盘操作量等参数的标准差综合成驾驶稳定性评价指标,定量比较了各因素的不同水平对驾驶人驾驶稳定性的影响程度。结果表明,当道路中央隔离带及路侧植株过高或色彩过多过艳时,驾驶人的驾驶稳定性最差,据此提取出了景观设计方案确定过程中应多加关注的问题。 Road landscape has a significant effect on traffic safety. In order to improve current road landscape de- sign, such as out-dated presentations, distorted dynamic experience and lack of quantitative evaluations, a driving simula- tion experiment combined with oral question-answering and questionnaires is designed to study the correlation between driving behavior and road landscape. Analysis of driving behavior data using ANOVA indicates that landscape factors such as color, plant spacing, height, crown diameter and margin indeed affect driving behaviors and their feelings about the road landscape. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to integrate standard deviations of speed, longitudinal accel- eration, lateral position, lateral acceleration and steering to a quantitative indicator of driving stability. The effects of road landscape factors on driving stability are evaluated using the above indicators. Results show that driving stability is worst when trees in the median and on the roadside are too high or too colorful. Finally, the issues deserving attention in road landscape design are discussed.
出处 《交通信息与安全》 2014年第5期138-145,共8页 Journal of Transport Information and Safety
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:71371134)资助
关键词 交通安全 道路景观 驾驶模拟 驾驶行为 方差分析 主成分分析 traffic safety road landscape driving simulation driving behavior ANOVA Principal ComponentAnalysis
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